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Secrets to Keeping Your Custom Closet Smelling Fresh and Scentsational

Matt Jarrett • Oct 10, 2023
Secrets to Keeping Your Custom Closet Smelling Fresh and Scentsational

Tired of opening your custom closet door only to be greeted by less-than-pleasant odors? It’s not the best way to start your day. Luckily, there are some easy ways to keep your custom closet smelling fresh and “scentsational” all day, every day.

  • Choose the right materials for your custom closet
  • Clean your closet regularly
  • Invest in quality hangers and storage solutions
  • Keep your shoes fresh
  • Hang fresheners and sachets
  • Introduce air circulation
  • Embrace sunlight
  • Use natural odor absorbers
  • Keep the closet dry
  • Launder your linens
  • Store seasonal items separately
  • Consider fragrance diffusers
  • Keep food out of the closet
  • Rotate your clothes regularly
  • Declutter regularly

Read on to discover the simple steps you should take to keep your custom closet smelling great—every time you open the closet door.

Choose the Right Materials for Your Custom Closet

Let's start with the basics. When designing your custom closet, make wise material choices. Select materials that are resistant to moisture and odors, like cedarwood or cabinets and shelves with stain- and scratch-resistant laminate finishes. Cedarwood not only smells amazing but also has natural oils that repel moths and other closet-dwelling pests.

Custom Closet Systems

Clean Your Closet Regularly

This may seem like a no-brainer, but regular cleaning is essential to maintaining a fresh-smelling closet. Dust and dirt can accumulate over time, leading to unwanted odors. Wipe down shelves, vacuum the floor, and use a damp cloth to clean any hard-to-reach spots. Don't forget to clean your shoes and accessories before placing them in the closet as well!

Invest in Quality Hangers and Storage Solutions

Consider upgrading your hangers to quality wooden or velvet ones. Not only do they add a touch of luxury to your closet, but they also help maintain the shape of your clothes and prevent unpleasant creases and wrinkles. Proper storage solutions, such as drawers, shelves, and clear bins, can also keep your belongings organized and prevent odors from mixing.

Custom Closet Systems

Keep Your Shoes Fresh

Shoes are one of the major culprits when it comes to closet odors. To keep them smelling fresh, try using shoe deodorizers or sachets filled with baking soda or activated charcoal. You can also rotate your shoes regularly to give them time to air out.

Hang Fresheners and Sachets

Adding some pleasant scents to your closet can do wonders. Hang some scented sachets or cedar blocks among your clothes. Lavender, rosemary, and citrus scents are excellent choices. These not only keep your clothes smelling great but also help repel insects.

Custom Closet Systems

Introduce Air Circulation

Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing musty odors. If your custom closet has a door, leave it slightly ajar to allow air circulation. If not, consider adding a small fan or air purifier to keep the air fresh and clean.

Embrace Sunlight

Sunlight is a natural odor eliminator. Take your clothes out into the sun for a few hours every so often, especially after you've worn them. The UV rays will help kill bacteria and eliminate odors. Just be cautious with delicate fabrics, as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause fading.

Custom Closet Systems

Use Natural Odor Absorbers

According to The Spruce, baking soda is a true hero in the battle against closet odors. Place an open box of baking soda on a shelf or in a corner of your closet. It will absorb odors and keep your closet smelling fresh. You can also sprinkle some baking soda on your closet floor, leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it up for an extra odor-fighting boost.

Keep the Closet Dry

Moisture is a breeding ground for odors and mold. Ensure that your closet stays dry by using moisture-absorbing products like desiccants or silica gel packets. These will help prevent mustiness and mold growth.

Launder Your Linens

Don't forget about the linens and towels that you store in your closet. Wash them regularly to prevent any musty odors from transferring to your clothes.

Custom Closet Systems

Store Seasonal Items Separately

When it's time to switch out your seasonal wardrobe, store the out-of-season items elsewhere. This not only frees up space in your custom closet but also reduces the risk of unwanted odors spreading.

Consider Fragrance Diffusers

If you're a fragrance enthusiast, consider placing a fragrance diffuser or essential oil diffuser in your closet. Choose scents that you love, and let them infuse your closet with delightful aromas.

Custom Closet Systems

Keep Food Out of the Closet

This might sound obvious, but it's essential to avoid storing food in your closet. Even a forgotten snack wrapper can attract pests and cause unpleasant odors.

Rotate Your Clothes Regularly

Don't let your clothes hang in the closet untouched for months. Rotate your wardrobe seasonally to ensure all of your pieces get some fresh air. This also gives you the perfect opportunity to declutter and donate items you no longer need.

Declutter Regularly

Speaking of decluttering, it's worth mentioning that a cluttered closet can hide odors and make it harder to maintain a fresh-smelling space. Donate or sell items you no longer wear, and keep your closet organized for easier cleaning and maintenance.


Incorporating these tips into your closet care routine can help you maintain a fresh and “scentsational” custom closet. Not only will you enjoy the delightful aroma every time you open the door, but your clothes will also thank you for the extra care and attention.


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