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Celebrate the Holidays in Style With a Well-Organized Custom Closet

Matt Jarrett • Dec 26, 2023
Celebrate the Holidays in Style With a Well-Organized Custom Closet

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, admittedly, a bit of chaos. Over the years, I've learned that well-organized custom closets are not just parts of my home; it's a crucial tool for navigating the festive frenzy with grace and style. Here are some invaluable tips I've picked up along the way:

  • Start with a seasonal swap
  • Dedicate a section for holiday wear
  • Organize decorations by holiday
  • Maximize vertical space
  • Use drawer dividers
  • Have a designated spot for gifts
  • Incorporate seasonal scents
  • Prepare a last-minute party kit
  • Create a holiday shoe section
  • Review your closet after the holidays

Keep reading to discover how to keep your custom closets organized during the holiday season and beyond.

Start with a Seasonal Swap

Every year, as the holiday season approaches, I begin with what I call the 'Seasonal Swap'. This involves transitioning your closet to be in tune with the festive season. For me, this means moving summer clothes and accessories to a less accessible spot, making room for holiday wear and decorations. This not only clears up space but also helps me mentally prepare for the holidays.

In doing this, I also take the opportunity to declutter. Elle Décor highlights the fact that the holiday season is a time for giving, so it’s a great opportunity to decide what you’d like to keep and what items you can donate to those in need. This act of giving adds to the holiday spirit and makes room for new memories and items that the season may bring.

Dedicate a Section for Holiday Wear

Having a dedicated section for holiday wear is a game-changer. I organize my festive outfits, party dresses, and themed accessories in one easily accessible area of my closet. This saves considerable time and energy when getting ready for holiday events or family gatherings.

Also, this section acts as a visual reminder of the season's festivities. Every time I open my closet, the holiday spirit is palpable, thanks to the colorful array of festive garments and accessories greeting me.

Custom Closet Systems

Organize Decorations by Holiday

Storing holiday decorations in the closet requires strategic organization. I use clearly labeled bins for each holiday–Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, etc. This way, when it's time to decorate, I can easily find and retrieve the right bin without turning my closet upside down.

Organizing decorations by holiday not only simplifies the setup but also the cleanup process. It ensures that each item goes back to its designated place, keeping everything neat and ready for next year.

Maximize Vertical Space

Utilizing vertical space effectively can transform a closet. I install additional shelves and hanging organizers to store holiday-related items like gift wrap, bags, and ribbons. This approach keeps these items in sight and in reach but also out of the way of my daily wardrobe. By storing things like delicate items higher up, they are less likely to get damaged or lost amid the daily hustle and bustle.

Use Drawer Dividers

Drawer dividers are an organizational blessing. In my closet, they help me keep smaller holiday items, such as themed socks, jewelry, and even gift-wrapping accessories, in order. This organization makes it easy to find what I need quickly, without having to dig through a jumbled mess.

Dividers also encourage me to keep only what I need. When space is segmented, it’s easier to spot and remove items that no longer serve a purpose in my holiday celebrations.

Custom Closet Systems

Have a Designated Spot for Gifts

A specific area in my closet is always reserved for gifts. This could be a shelf, a drawer, or a hidden corner. Having a designated spot ensures that gifts are not only hidden from prying eyes but also organized and easy to find when it's time to wrap them. This simple system also helps in tracking what I've already bought and what still needs to be purchased, keeping my holiday shopping organized and on track.

Incorporate Seasonal Scents

A closet that smells like the holidays is a truly delightful experience. I add seasonal scents, such as cedar blocks or cinnamon sachets, to give my closet a festive atmosphere. This small touch adds an extra layer of joy every time I open my closet doors.

These scents not only uplift the mood but also help keep the closet fresh and free from musty odors, especially important when storing away seasonal clothes and decorations.

Prepare a Last-Minute Party Kit

A last-minute party kit in my closet has saved me on numerous occasions. This includes a versatile party outfit, a small generic gift, and basic wrapping supplies. It's perfect for unexpected invitations or surprise guests, ensuring I'm always prepared for impromptu holiday celebrations.

Custom Closet Systems

Create a Holiday Shoe Section

Shoes are an integral part of holiday outfits. I organize my festive footwear, like sparkly heels or formal shoes, in a specific section of my closet. This makes it easier to complete an outfit without searching through my entire shoe collection.

This section also helps protect delicate shoes from getting scuffed or lost, keeping them in pristine condition for special occasions.

Review Your Closet After the Holidays

Post-holiday, I take time to review and reorganize my closet. This involves assessing what was used and what wasn't, as well as making decisions about donations or changes for next year. This step is crucial in maintaining a functional and efficient holiday closet.


Incorporating these tips into your holiday preparations can make a significant difference. A well-organized closet not only saves time but also adds to the joy of the season, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—celebrating with loved ones. Happy holidays, and happy organizing!


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