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8 Everyday Routines to Keep Your Custom Closet in Perfect Order

Matt Jarrett • Aug 08, 2023
8 Everyday Routines to Keep Your Custom Closet in Perfect Order

When it comes to organizing your home, the closet is one of the most challenging areas to keep neat. A custom closet can be a great asset to any home, but only if it’s well-maintained. If you're finding yourself constantly rifling through cluttered drawers and shelves to find what you need, it's time to adopt a few daily habits that will keep your closet perfectly organized.

Follow these 8 daily habits to keep your custom closet in tip-top shape:

  • Start and end your day with a quick tidy-up
  • Adopt the “one in, one out” rule
  • Use matching hangers and labels
  • Purge unwanted items regularly
  • Designate a weekly deep clean day
  • Optimize your shelf dividers
  • Integrate a laundry hamper
  • Incorporate scented sachets or drawer liners

Keeping your custom closet organized isn’t difficult with a little effort, so read on to discover the steps you should follow to say goodbye to clutter and mess in your closet.

1.   Start and End Your Day With a Quick Tidy-Up

One of the simplest and most effective habits you can adopt is to take a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to tidy up your closet. This could mean hanging up clothes you've worn or putting away accessories you've used throughout the day. Doing this will help keep your closet organized and prevent piles from stacking up.

2.   Adopt the "One In, One Out" Rule

For every item you add to your closet, make a conscious effort to remove one. This helps to prevent your closet from becoming cluttered and crammed with things you don't need. The "one in, one out" rule can also help you to be more mindful of your purchases and prevent overconsumption.

Custom Closet Systems

3.   Use Matching Hangers and Labels

Investing in matching hangers and labels may seem like a small detail, but it can make a huge difference visually. When your hangers and labels are uniform, it creates a clean and cohesive look that makes it easier to find what you're looking for. This also helps to streamline your closet and create more space.

4.   Purge Unwanted Items Regularly

It's essential to commit to purging your closet regularly. Every season, go through your clothes to determine what you still wear regularly and what you can part with. If you haven't worn something in over a year, it's likely time to donate or sell it. By doing this regularly, you'll be able to keep your closet clutter-free and filled only with things you truly love.

Custom Closet Systems

5.   Designate a Weekly Deep Clean Day

Carve out a few hours each week to do a deep clean of your closet—it’s well worth your time. A deep cleaning session could include dusting shelves, vacuuming floors, and reorganizing clothes. Remember, your custom closet space is a reflection of your state of mind, so it's important to make it a priority to keep it in order.

6.   Optimize Your Shelf Dividers

Shelf dividers are an essential part of custom closet organization. They help to break down your storage spaces into different sections, making it easy for you to know where everything is. When setting up your dividers, ensure that you consider the items' sizes, so that you can allocate space accordingly. For clothes, you can categorize them by type so that you know which section holds formal wear, casual wear, or sporting clothes. For accessories, allocate drawers and cubbies so that they are accessible and well arranged.

Custom Closet Systems

7.   Integrate a Laundry Hamper

A laundry hamper can go a long way in keeping your custom closet tidy. With a pull-out hamper, you can quickly toss in dirty clothes, ensuring that they do not end up on the floor or other sections of the closet. Integrating a hamper within your custom closet helps create a seamless look and also saves you space. Ensure that the hamper has a lid and that it's regularly emptied, especially if you have many people using the closet.

8.   Incorporate Pleasant Scents

Nothing says cleanliness and organization more than a sweet fragrance. Scented sachets or drawer liners are not only easy to incorporate into your custom closet, but they also add an extra touch to your space. Place scented sachets in different sections of your closet or place them in jewelry boxes. You can also incorporate drawer liners to protect your clothes or keep things fresh and smelling good.

If you don’t have any odor issues you want to address in your closet, The Spruce recommends simply placing an opened box of baking soda in the space. It’s an odor absorber that will leave your closet smelling fresh for up to one year.


Keeping a custom closet in perfect order requires a conscious effort and daily habits. By following the simple steps described above, your custom closet is guaranteed to remain organized, clutter-free, and inviting.


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