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5 Tips to Banish Mold and Mildew From Your Custom Closet System

Matt Jarrett • Apr 18, 2023
5 Tips to Banish Mold and Mildew From Your Custom Closet System

Your custom closet system is a place to store your valuable personal wardrobe, so it only makes sense that you want to keep it safe from damaging, toxic mold and mildew. By implementing strategies to minimize moisture and increase ventilation, you can take proactive steps to extend the life and enjoyment of your wardrobe. 

Here are five simple steps you can take to keep mold and mildew out of your custom closet:

  • Invest in a dehumidifier
  • Promote good airflow
  • Turn on the lights
  • Ensure clothing is dry before storage
  • Clean and disinfect the closet walls

Read on to learn all about how to protect your wardrobe from mold and mildew with the right preventative measures.

Invest in a Dehumidifier

One of the best ways to keep moisture–and the mold and mildew it can lead to–out of your custom closet system is to use a dehumidifier. Even if you have a large, walk-in closet, running a small dehumidifier can significantly reduce the amount of humidity in the space and protect your wardrobe.

For large closets, an electric mini dehumidifier will do the job just fine. If you have a smaller closet–or you don’t have a nearby outlet available–a wireless, mini rechargeable model that uses silica to remove moisture from the air is a great option. Both options are non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry about compromising the health of your family, including your pets.

Custom Closet Systems

Promote Good Airflow

Most people keep their closet doors closed at all times, trapping odors and moisture inside. A closet with poor airflow can quickly become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. By keeping your closet doors open from time to time, you can promote good airflow throughout your custom closet system. You could even consider putting a small fan in the back corner of the closet, running it for a few hours each day to remove any stale air or odors that could be lingering.

Turn on the Lights

If you don’t mind a minor increase in your electricity bill, you could consider leaving a light on in your closet. The heat a 60-100-watt bulb generates can dry out the air in your closet. You only have to leave the light on for a few hours each day to reduce moisture. If you plan to use a lamp, rather than an overhead light, make sure to position it at a safe distance from clothing and any other flammable items.

Custom Closet Systems

Ensure Clothing Is Dry Before Storage

If you're not taking care to ensure your clothing is completely dry before storing it in the closet, you're inviting mold and mildew to set up shop. Unfortunately, some people use their closets as an improvised drying rack, hanging up damp items that don't fare well in the dryer. If you're looking for ways to prevent mold and mildew from gaining a foothold in your closet, start by avoiding the temptation to use it as a temporary drying station. Storing only dry clothes in the closet can help keep humidity levels in check and prevent mold and mildew from taking hold.

Clean and Disinfect the Closet Walls

Whether your closet walls are showing signs of mold and mildew growth or not, it’s a smart idea to clean and disinfect the walls frequently. According to Bob Vila, you can safely remove hazardous mold by spraying bleach and a white vinegar solution on the walls. 

Bleach will kill surface fungus and remove unsightly mold from the walls. Undiluted white vinegar, on the other hand, will penetrate mold that exists beneath the surface. By killing the “roots” of the mold, you’ll prevent the problem from recurring. And don’t worry about the odor–the white vinegar smell will go away once the solution has fully evaporated.


Whether you have a large, walk-in closet complete with a custom closet system or you have a smaller space with just enough room for your clothes, following the simple steps listed above can help you protect your wardrobe. Your clothing and accessories are an extension of your style and yourself–keep those moisture levels down and extend the lifespan of your investment.


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